Tara Ansley of Fangoria Studio's Fake Support for Female Filmmakers Exposed
and more hi-jinx from Fangoria Editor-in-Chief, the mentally unhinged Phil Nobile Jr.
It's been a month since we published "The Corporations that Wear the Skin of Fangoria," and we've been attacked by largely Fangoria employees/shills. Our membership service has gained approximately 800 new subscribers, which is excellent.
Jenny Barrows is a female filmmaker who has accused Tara Ansley of Fangoria Magazine of performatively supporting, gaslighting, or ghosting women filmmakers. Barrows claims that Ansley has been using her position at the magazine to make it appear as if she is supportive of women in the film industry, when in reality she is not. Barrows claims that Ansley has been gaslighting women filmmakers by making them believe that she is interested in their work when she is actually not. Barrows also claims that Ansley has been ghosting women filmmakers by pretending to be interested in their work and then never following through.
Tara Ansley, along with mostly the entire Fangoria staff, are frauds. She claims to be a feminist and supportive of female filmmakers, but she only helps her friends and does her boss's bidding. She rules Fangoria Studios with an iron fist and is nothing more than a puppet for Phil Nobile Jr. and the company's many corporate funders.
These are serious allegations, and if true, they paint a picture of Ansley as someone who is not to be trusted. If Ansley is indeed gaslighting and ghosting women filmmakers, she is taking advantage of their trust and using her position at Fangoria Studios to do so. This is unacceptable behavior, and Ansley should be held accountable if these claims are true.
After our article was posted, Phil Nobile Jr. went on yet another unhinged social media rant, going as far as threatening to dox the authors of the original article. He even encouraged the horror community to dox the authors. Another reason we must stay anonymous and mask the truths in our articles A majority of people have figured out what we are doing and are supportive.
Phil Nobile Jr. and his followers' critiques against us were mostly about irrelevant social activism as a way to deflect from the issues raised in our article. The issue was that Fangoria uses corporate power to crush independent artists. Nobile and his followers seemed more concerned with whether or not we were social justice activist rather than the actual issue at hand. It was a disingenuous way to deflect and avoid the conversation that we were trying to have.
With Fangoria's reputation already in question, Nobile's latest outburst seems to have caused more damage. It's clear that he's feeling the pressure, and it was apparent that the original article made him crack under the slightest bit of scrutiny.
Phil Nobile Jr. from Fangoria Magazine is the epitome of immaturity and corporate shilldom. He further proved his immaturity by making a public spectacle of himself, throwing a tantrum, and claiming that he was being bullied in now deleted tweets.
It's clear that Phil Nobile Jr. is nothing but a corporate shill who is more interested in promoting himself and his own interests than he is in championing the horror genre.
He is a disgrace to the genre and to the magazine that he represents. It's time for him to grow up and act like the professional that he claims to be.
We asked Jenny Barrows to go public with her claims and provide more information, but out of fear, she has resorted to cowardice and declined. We believe that her decision is a mistake, and that by refusing to come forward, she is only helping those who have wronged her get away with their crimes. We urge her to reconsider her decision and to come forward and speak out against the industry tyrants at Fangoria.
It is clear that Fangoria, Phil Nobile Jr., Tara Ansley, and their cronies have no respect for the horror genre or the writers who work within it. The way they immediately wanted to sabotage the writers shows their true colors. It is clear that they are only interested in their own agendas and not in what is best for the genre.
Want to put your name on this or stay an anonymous pussy?
Ya no shit. Fangoria sucks.
Remember the Fango originals in the 90s? Jokes.
Now it's just a woke version of that. Phil is saying LibsofTiktok speaking about child drag shows is responsible for a shooting. These people are freaks.